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tv   KRON 4 News at 11  KRON  September 16, 2016 1:45am-2:01am PDT

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here in palo alto some steals money. >> reporter: that purchase 73 beaten emergency crimea's allowing neighbors to introduce themselves to each other it. it takes more than that asking
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local officials what they can do to stay safe. and douglas as flow is in critical condition. zachary has been arrested according to authorities evidence at the scene was linked to the team. but
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the head amputate his leg but there is not slowing this putdown his young age is helping to recovery. her attorneys say
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she is now: victim of police misconduct >> vicki: the attorneys are climbing police are trying to a sneak will happen to her under the rug.
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then i >> reporter: 18 year-old is willing to testify sometimes. >> reporter: a sept. where oakland police officer committed suicide leaving behind a note committing himself and others to a sex scandal. this small the making of a law enforcement cover-up. charles is the lead
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counsel in wants all the officers involved to go to jail. the very clear on the steps of oakland's city hall attorneys are determined to have the truth come out. >> reporter: return calls for comment a >> reporter: solicitous sex is nothing they go. staff forest have suspected victims in this year and that and says her
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agency alone found several hundred it comes across the internet allows. >> reporter: and separatist opposite the tight saberhagen publicity meeting held thursday evening following a brutal attack near lafayette park last month of august 20th at suspect from unreasons brutally beat a woman who apparently was just a for what
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>> reporter: are hoping the person does the right thing and returned money.
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>> reporter: air hazard to the better result issue >> gabe: of a gabe:note 7 the ship below consider panama on september 21st this coming wednesday
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>> britteny: as a going to tomorrow around 3:00. mid-60's for the marina district commissioned mr. same thing in mid-60s 60 fiat attract 67 near mostar part. closer to billy's city lower 60s 85 net but temperatures and the '90s for
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carter in pittsburgh and yet so it will be a warm day in lends you notice luncheon the read the and temperatures. >> britteny: the dense fog. and that he thought expected in those locations a once again highs around the mid '80s for san jose state in the 60s along the coast 82 degrees and petaluma of warmer as the questions the weekend. >> grant: the video we showed
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you agree what it is reaching our ocean beach.
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(narrator) imagine, wiping away the appearance of crepey skin. on your arms... (female narrator) on your legs... (male narrator) and even your neck. (female narrator) what would your reaction be? -can i look now? -yes. are you serious? oh my goodness! (female narrator) and now a paid presentation for crepe erase. (male narrator) a breakthrough targeted body treatment brought to you by trusted guthy renker. (female narrator) and featuring emmy award winning actress jane seymour. (male narrator) beloved little house on the prairie actress melissa gilbert. (female narrator) figure skating legend, dorothy hamill. (male narrator) and 12-time olympic medalist dara torres. plus, everyday women whose lives and skin are being transformed with crepe erase.


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